This Sunday, as you were holding me, I asked you if you would consider yourself "in love" with me. (oh yes, I ask my poor husband questions like this on a regular basis...) You said yes, but that you think it goes beyond that. That made me think of our time together so far, and how we have gone beyond "in love" and what exactly OUR love is.
-when you stroke my hair to help me fall asleep
-wrestling with our little nugget
-being away for 17 hours every day to make a better life for your family
-coming home with some of my favorite candy
-taking over "mommy duties" when I don't feel well (which, let's face it, has been quite a bit the last few months)
-putting your arm around me
-letting me put me feet on your stomach when they're cold
-putting up with my loopy self when I get tired
-changing dirty diapers
-making William giggle like no one else can
-giving me the opportunity to stay at home with our kids
-laughing 'til we can't breathe over silly things that no one else would probably find funny (Cha-Chunk?)
-when just getting to sit on the couch together is the best part of my day
-being the first to apologize
-letting our son climb in bed with us, even though we all know exactly how it will end
-holding me while I cry
-making an effort to have date nights together
-rubbing my back when I am "getting sick"
-massaging my feet. (or randomly buying me a foot bath to do it)
-eating sno-cones in the rain
-helping to ease my worries
-doing the dishes
-holding my hand
-the way you worry about me
-how you put others' needs ahead of your own
-always being willing to help
-being the best example of a good work ethic for our children (and me!)
-honoring the responsibilities you've been given
-not making fun of my (lack of) frisbee skills
-praying with me
-praying FOR me
-not being critical of me... and my many flaws
Let's face facts, this list could go on... and on... and on...
Love is all of the little things that end up really being the biggest things.
I feel like Russell said it best. "That might sound boring, but I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most." (Oh yes, I just brought Up into this!)
I love you, Billy, and the many ways you show you love me. Hopefully you can feel the same from me.
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