I just laid my two-year-old down for bed.
He's two.
My sweet baby boy is two.
I can't believe it!

Some of his two year old stats:
Height: 36"
Weight: 31 lbs.
Food: Broccoli Alfredo, Chicken, Oranges, Fruit Snacks, Mac and Cheese (although let's face facts, this boy is pretty good about eating whatever you put in front of him!)
Phrases: "Look at that!" "Are you there?" "Oh! Hi,______" "I love you!"
Things to do: Play at the park, Dance parties, Watching Shows (poor boy has watched a lot of those as mommy hasn't been feeling good!)
People to see: His Sam. his cousins! He loves playing with his cousins, I am so grateful for those built-in buddies! He loves his nursery teachers. We usually "bribe" him to going to and getting through the first half of church by telling him he'll get to play with Jake and Kalie.
His Daddy is his favorite person. Since we don't get to see him often William steals all the time he can with him.
William is such a sweetheart. He is a very affectionate little boy, who loves getting and giving hugs and kisses. Some little kids, and grown ups, don''t quite know what to do with it, but I LOVE getting his snuggles. He has always been my cuddle buddy.

He is getting to be a typical toddler boy. He loves wrestling, and throwing balls, he loves running and dancing, playing with cars and following his big boy cousins around. It's fun to see those traits coming out.
He is my sunshine. Such a happy little boy, and a hammy ham, if I've ever met one! He makes me laugh every single day. We have our rough moments, but they don't ever last too long, and it just ties our hearts a little stronger together.

The last two years have brought me more joy than I have ever known. I have grown as I watch him grow.
Thank you, William, for making me your mommy. You make daddy and me so very happy.
I love you so so so SO much!
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